Customer Testimonials

“I had a very useful and informative discussion with a knowledgeable gentleman who gave me a lot of good information about windstorm issues in our area and requirements. The roof does not yet need immediate replacement but may to sell the house. The company sent a detailed and carefully completed estimate at a good price. I was impressed by the amount of time and quality of information this gentleman shared with me. I felt much better about the situation since I learned a lot more about it. He didn’t have to spend that time and understanding with me.”

“Excellent roofing job. Very professional and helpful, We were very impressed and happy with our new roof. A++++””

“VERY IMPRESSED From start to finish so happy with the service of State Roofing Company!”

“Removed existing roof and installed new 30-year composition shingle roof. Inspected deck. Installed drip edge to roof perimeters and painted using my color choice. Replaced 2 skylights, installed all new galvanized vents and plumbing jacks (pre-painted to match), and replaced 2 power solar vents. Removed all debris and used a magnetic sweep to ensure all nails were picked up. Engineer came on site to expect the work while in progress and again upon completion for WPI-8 certification. All work was completed as outlined in the contract and was completed in one day. WPI-8 certification paperwork has been initiated.”

“Excellent service. Knew how to work with Texas Windstorm Insurance and saved lots of time for everyone. Great experience with workers. Very clean every day when they left. Would definitely recommend them.”